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Father Arnel


Father Arnel is the twin brother of Father Arman. He also was one of the candidates who came to the Adorno Fathers in Labo, Philippines, when the seminary first opened there. He attended Holy Trinity College Seminary in Labo and, after graduation, he made his novitiate in Vinzons, Philippines, and his Simple Profession of Vows there also.

In 2008 he was sent to the United States and studied theology at Immaculate Conception Seminary/Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey, while residing in the Adorno House in Ramsey. He returned to the Philippines in 2013 and spent one year in pastoral exposure before making his Solemn Profession on June 15, 2014 in Vinzons. He was ordained Deacon by Most Reverend Arturo Bastes, Bishop of Sorsogon, in Saint Joseph Church, Gabao, Phillipines, on October 27, 2014. He was ordained a priest by Bishop Benjamin Almoneda in the Vinzons Chapel on June 4, 2015.